Frontend Website Development


Frontend Website Development

Section-1 Introduction to HTML

  • What is HTML and its role in web development?
  • Structure of an HTML document:, <html>, <head>, <body>

Section-2 HTML Elements

  • Basic structure of HTML elements: opening and closing tags
  • Common HTML elements: headings (<h1> - <h6>), paragraphs (<p>), lists (<ul>, <ol>, <li>), links (<a>), images (<img>)

Section-3 HTML Attributes

  • Understanding attributes and how they modify elements
  • Examples of commonly used attributes: class, id, src, alt

Section-4 HTML Formatting

  • Text formatting tags: <strong>, <em>, <u>, <s>
  • Line breaks: <br>
  • Horizontal rule: <hr>

Section-5 HTML Forms

  • Creating forms using <form> element
  • Form input types: text, password, radio buttons, checkboxes, buttons
  • Form validation and submission using HTML attributes

Section-6 Semantic HTML

  • Introduction to semantic elements: <header>, <nav>, <main>, <article>, <section>, <footer>
  • Benefits of using semantic elements for accessibility and SEO

Section-7 Hyperlinks and Navigation

Section-8 HTML Lists

  • Creating ordered (<ol>) and unordered (<ul>) lists
  • Nested lists using <li> elements

Section- 9 HTML Tables

  • Creating tables using <table>, <tr>, <th>, <td> elements
  • Adding headers, captions, and spans to table cells

Section-10 HTML Images and Multimedia

  • Embedding images using the <img> element
  • Adding alternative text for accessibility (alt attribute)
  • Embedding audio and video using <audio> and <video> elements

Section-11 HTML5 Structural Elements

  • New structural elements in HTML5: <header>, <nav>, <main>, <article>, <section>, <footer>
  • How these elements contribute to better document structure
  • Section- 12 HTML Entities and Special Characters

    • Using HTML entities to display special characters (&nbsp;, &lt;, &gt;)
    • Displaying symbols and characters that have reserved meanings in HTML

    Section-13 Meta Tags and Document Metadata

    • <meta> tags for specifying character encoding, viewport settings, and more
    • The role of <title> and <meta> tags in search engine optimization (SEO)

    Section-14 HTML Comments

    • Adding comments to your HTML code for documentation and clarification

    Section-15 HTML Forms and Input Validation

    • Form input elements (<input>, <textarea>, <select>, <button>)
    • Validating user input using HTML attributes like required, pattern, min, max

    Section-16 HTML5 APIs (Introduction)

    • Brief overview of HTML5 APIs like Geolocation and Web Storage

    Section-17 Introduction to CSS

    • What is CSS and its role in web development
    • How CSS styles enhance the appearance of HTML content

    Section-18 CSS Selectors and Properties

    • Basic CSS syntax: selector { property: value; }
    • Understanding CSS selectors: class, ID, element, universal
    • Common CSS properties: color, font-family, background, margin, padding

    Section-19 CSS Box Model

    • Understanding the concept of box model: content, padding, border, margin
    • Controlling dimensions and spacing using box model properties

    Section-20 CSS Typography

    • Styling text: font properties, size, weight, style, decoration
    • Line height and letter spacing for improved readability
    • Web-safe fonts and using custom fonts with @font-face

    Section-21 CSS Colors and Backgrounds

    • Using color values: names, hex, RGB, HSL
    • Applying background colors and images
    • Adding gradients to backgrounds

    Section-22 CSS Layout and Positioning

    • Introduction to layout: display property (block, inline, inline-block)
    • Positioning elements: position property (relative, absolute, fixed, sticky)
    • Floating elements and clearing floats

    Section-23 CSS Flexbox

    • Understanding the flexbox layout model
    • Using flex containers and flex items
    • Aligning and justifying content using flex properties

    Section-24 CSS Grid

    • Introduction to CSS Grid layout
    • Creating grid containers and defining grid rows and columns
    • Placing items in the grid using grid properties

    Section-25 CSS Transitions and Animations

    • Creating smooth transitions between property changes
    • Implementing animations using @keyframes and animation properties
    • Adding interactivity to elements using CSS hover effectsul

    Section-26 CSS Media Queries and Responsive Design

    • Understanding responsive design principles
    • Using media queries to target different screen sizes
    • Creating responsive layouts with flexible grids and media queries

    Section-27 CSS Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements

    • Applying styles to specific states: :hover, :active, :focus
    • Styling specific parts of elements: ::before, ::after

    Section-28 CSS Preprocessors (Introduction)

    • Brief overview of CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less
    • Advantages of using preprocessors for more organized and efficient CSS

    Section-29 CSS Layout and Grid Systems (Advanced)

    • Complex layout techniques using CSS Grid or flexbox
    • Designing multi-column and masonry layouts

    Section-30 Introduction to JavaScript

    • What is JavaScript and its role in web development
    • Understanding the differences between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

    Section-31 JavaScript Basics

    • Syntax and structure of JavaScript code
    • Variables, data types (string, number, boolean), and operators
    • Basic input/output using alert(), prompt(), and console.log()

    Section-32 Control Flow and Conditional Statements

    • Using if, else if, and else statements
    • The switch statement for multi-way branching

    Section-33 Loops and Iteration

    • for loops, while loops, and do...while loops
    • Loop control statements: break and continue

    Section-34 Functions

    • Defining functions, parameters, and return values
    • Function expressions vs. function declarations
    • Scope and variable visibility

    Section-35 Arrays

    • Creating arrays and accessing array elements
    • Array methods: push(), pop(), shift(), unshift(), splice()
    • Iterating through arrays using loops

    Section-36 Objects and JSON

    • Creating objects, properties, and methods
    • Accessing object properties using dot notation and bracket notation
    • Introduction to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

    Section-37 Working with the DOM (Document Object Model)

    • Understanding the DOM's hierarchical structure
    • Selecting and manipulating elements using JavaScript
    • Modifying element content, attributes, and styles

    Section-38 Events and Event Handling

    • Attaching event listeners to elements
    • Common DOM events: click, submit, input, keypress
    • Preventing default actions and event propagation

    Section-39 Working with Forms

    • Accessing form elements using JavaScript
    • Form validation and handling form submissions
    • Dynamically updating content based on form input

    Section-40 Error Handling and Debugging

    • Understanding JavaScript errors and the browser console
    • Using try, catch, and finally for error handling
    • Debugging techniques and tools